We highlight the most relevant news of this last week referring to SEM, SEO and Social Media.
SEM: News from the alliance between Yahoo and Bing
Yahoo and Bing have been trying to integrate for two years to establish themselves as an advertising platform and compete against Google in search results. The alliance has taken place and is progressively spreading across countries, the last of which have been France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria. Yahoo and Bing, despite working hand in hand, will continue to operate independently. Microsoft will manage the technology platforms that deliver the algorithmic results provided by Bing.
SEO: new Google Adwords tool
A new tool Google Adwords provides data containing keywords related to the keyword we have entered, the anchor keyword will be displayed on the left and five related keywords will be displayed below. It is a tool similar to the Google Search Wheel that disappeared a year ago and that allowed us to see more words and phrases related to search terms, with the new Google Adwords contextual orientation tool a similar analysis is achieved.
Twitter has announced that it will launch the interface in Catalan, Basque, Greek, Ukrainian, Czech and Afrikaans. The release date is scheduled for July 5.
Another novelty in twitter is its improvement in the relationship with Facebook. Twitter has made changes, from now on the integration with Facebook allows publishing multimedia such as photos, URLs, hastags and user names.