Social Media strategies in summer - The summer season is a time when consumption is moderated (with the exception of the tourism sector), even so we can take advantage of the weakest months by taking stock of the whole year and putting new ones into practice online marketing strategies to help us reach the user and appear first in Google.
It is very useful to plan a strategy for September and the following year so that all the actions we take are effective. Below we detail a series of proposals to make during the summer to optimize social media accounts:
Analyze: Holidays are a good time to get to know the type of user and client we have, what publications they like, at what times there are more interactivity, What interests you the most. In this way you can focus your strategy and obtain better results.
To experience- Post content that you haven't tried before. Users are more relaxed in this season so you can try to interact with them by posting questions, photographs, phrases or whatever comes to mind that the customer may be amused or liked. It does not necessarily have to be something related to the company, you can, for example, share a photograph of a beach accompanied by a nice phrase such as "Let's take advantage of the summer!", The objective is that the user sympathizes with your account either on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ...
To talk: now that you have time, take the opportunity to answer all the messages that come to you, interact with other Twitter users, chat in forums ... and don't forget to do your lifelong offline marketing, that ispromote your website or social networks simply chatting directly with your friends or acquaintances.
To find out: it is convenient to have accounts in the main social networks since they are the most popular (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Linkedin ...) but you can also make a hole and try others to complement such as Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo, SlideShare etc.
Also do not leave aside the SEO techniques for your website or blog and be guided by a expert who will perform the optimization techniques suitable for generating visits to your online sites.