Liquid design and web positioning – New information technologies change constantly, we almost no longer talk about beta websites but the beta remains, everything is constantly updated.
Platforms that are not updated become outdated and are less valued by users. New portable devices such as tablets or the smartphones They determine the shape of the websites or blogs, which is why we must adapt to these formats. In websites created exclusively to be viewed on desktop screens, the designer was the one who decided the format, structure and design of the page, but now with the web 2.0 It is the user who decides.
Customer decisions respond to the appearance of the browser, the device with which it is accessed (PC, tablet, Smartphone...) that is, it is the user who decides how to view a page and from where. All this conditions the positioning web because if we do not adapt to the new needs of users, visits to our page will be reduced.
He liquid design It is suitable for these mobile devices since they only read the web 2.0 format. When we talk about liquid design we are referring to that web 2.0 design that is characterized by being a design that adapts to all technological devices, which is why it is called liquid. On the opposite side is the conventional design that is characterized by a fixed layout, when opened on a portable device the website appears unstructured and will force the user to scroll the screen and zoom constantly.
exist two valid options To adapt websites to smartphones and tablets, one option is rcreate a format for each device, requires more work than the liquid design but the results are very satisfactory. The second option is the liquid design that adapts automatically.
Anyone who has a website and who takes into account the needs of their potential clients will adapt their site using liquid design or through several adapted platforms, this will make it easier for users to access and improve the positioning web of the page.