Spending on media and entertainment services (entertainment) will reach 2 trillion dollars in 2016 according to studies that at the same time affirm that the digital spending will produce almost 70% growth in the next 5 years.
Currently, digital means more efficiency for those who want to advertise and the cost is much lower when compared to paper advertising (newspapers, magazines, billboards...). One of the sectors that has most noticed in this last year the benefits of thedigital shopping it is the music industry that after years of decline has partially managed to recover (in 2011 a third of music purchases were made through the internet). The digital ads are already competing with print ads and users have more access to the product digitally, being able to enter the website of the advertising company and learning more about what they are interested in buying, that is, there is more contact between seller and customer. Streaming video services will reach a value of 12 billion dollars in 2016, leaving the cost of current TV subscriptions far behind.
According to studies carried out by several universities, the online advertising is growing and more and more the consumer searches the internet for the advantages/quality of the product before buying it either in a store/company or digitally. The growth of digital advertising will leave out of the market all those companies that do not advertise online or they do not have a web page where they can show their services and products and where the Internet user can go to get information. The mobile phone advertising it will grow in just 4 years and will reach 24.5 billion dollars. This last figure is not surprising since in the last two years the use of mobile phones with Internet access has grown dramatically.
Spain is positioned in the first European position in smartphone sales and it is that more than half of the Spaniards who have a mobile phone have a smartphone. What we Spaniards consume the most through mobile phones is music, social networks and Internet searches.