There is something fundamental that must be taken into account when starting a business or strengthening a company: the brand image. It is important to start as soon as possible with the creation of a website that makes you visible online and with the maintenance of positioning web But for this to be effective you must start thinking like the client. What a potential buyer or user remembers best is the brand, which identifies the company and will be the visual element recognizable by customers.
An example of what we are saying is the 'Google' brand, which is recognized by the population as the reference search engine; its image is recognized by all those who handle computer technologies. As Google is a highly prestigious company, everything that bears its image (logo) is considered quality and trustworthy.
The brand is the face of the company and that is why it must project a positive image. A good designer must create an image (logo) of the company that characterizes it and that complies with the fundamental standard: that it is a communication tool that helps us reach the desired client. The brand will accumulate prestige over time through the online marketing strategies, effective advertising, quality of the website content, customer satisfaction, etc. All elements of SEO They are important for the user to find you and have you as a reference, but the brand will be the foundation on which your promotion on the internet is based.
Just like the image of the logo, the company identifies its website as well. It takes an average of three seconds for a user to decide whether the website or blog they have just entered is of interest to them or not. Often the person does not even stop to read the content if the first impression they have about that website is not good. For the site to have a good presence, attract customers and identify the company, experts in web 2.0 design.
We have a company logo, an attractive website image... but don't forget the content! If a user searches for a specific service/product/information and you do not provide it as you promised, you will lose a potential client.
In conclusion, present your company to users through a careful web platform, which includes your logo so that you are not forgotten, offers quality content and incorporates web positioning strategies.