The infographic that appears at the end of this entry on the positioning web belongs to the document “Google Official Guide for Quality Raters”. The Quality Raters they are quality raters, Google workers who make sure the algorithm is correct. The importance of understanding what Google considers important when analyzing the websites is that if we know what Google likes we can improve our SEO techniques and web positioning of our online sites.
Below we analyze the 15 elements that Google takes into account:
1. Relevance is a continuous process
The evaluators analyze the algorithm and assess it through 5 aspects: if it is vital, if it is useful, if it is relevant or not and if it is off topic. From this we can draw the conclusion that we must take care of the above features on our websites, making the information useful and truthful for the user. We also see that a blog on a specific topic is more relevant than one that deals with different topics.
2. Relevancy and spam are independent
For Google, a site may or may not be useful, but always spam-free. Nobody likes spam and Google knows that, which is why it prefers irrelevant websites or blogs rather than sites plagued with spam. Therefore: no spam sites as they are hated by users and search engines.
3. The most likely intention rule
The first results that appear in the search engines are the most consulted (hence the importance of appear first in Google), therefore the specific keywords of our website should be promoted.
4. Some results are “vital”
In recent months this section has been changing since the profiles on social networks have more and more weight. The digital community spends a lot of time on social networks as Facebook Y Twitter and you want to stay informed about what interests you in a comfortable way, that you don't have to go looking for it constantly and therefore "follow" the profiles or pages you like. Conclusion: if you have a company, in addition to having a website, you must be present on social networks to constantly interact with your customers.
5. Generic keywords are not “vital”
Although generic words are not vital, they should appear insistently on your site, although as we have said before, what must be promoted are those specific keywords that further define your company or business and create quality content that is highly valued by Google.
6. Keywords have 3 categories
Google usually ranks keywords on:
actionable (do)
Informative (to know)
Navigational (go)
It is essential to exploit this resource and if, for example, we want to transmit information to the user (to know), we must write words that indicate to Google that it is an article "to know", words such as: what it is, how, data, advice, etc.
7. Utility goes beyond relevance
An ideal page is one that is relevant, satisfying, entertaining, quality and current. These features are the most valued by users who are the ones who should be satisfied with our services.
8. Relevance implies awareness of language
If a search result does not match the language of the keyword, it is a low relevance result. When we have a website in more than one language, we must adapt the keywords to the language, for example in Spanish it is likely that instead of searching for the term "keywords" the user will search for "keywords".
9. Local intent can be automatic
Local searches can appear among the first results of Google, for that reason small businesses use geolocation tools such as Google Maps to indicate your address to users.
10. The specifics of a landing page matter
It's simple, specific words have fewer search numbers but at the same time they have less competition than a generic website. We must promote what makes us unique, either because of our products, because of our location (example: carpentry in a certain town) etc. You have to combine generic and specific words.
11. Misspelled words are evaluated by intent
If a term or words are misspelled when a user searches for them on Google, the rule of most probable intention is applied, that is, it is deduced that it is what they wanted to write.
12. Copied content may be relevant
Google does not consider copied content to be of low quality, but it must always be accompanied by credit to the source (say at the end of the text/image/video… who is the author of the content and link it to your website). If someone copies our content but credits us as authors, they can grow our positioning.
13. Some keywords do not need to be defined
You shouldn't explain all terms to users like they're dumb because they're not. In the event that you believe that a word requires further explanation, you can make a link to another page of yours or an external one that defines the word so that the user who does not understand it can be informed and the one who already knows it does not have to read a paragraph unnecessary.
14. Advertising without value is spam
Google considers that those web pages that are exclusively focused on making money without providing quality content for the user are spam. It is good that you want your business to be profitable, but for this you must take care of your client and satisfy him, not just tell him: “buy me, buy me, buy me!”
15. A search box without content is low quality
If the web, blog or social profile lacks content, a search box is worthless. Those with good content and informative rigor are always the best considered by Google.
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