According to a survey carried out by Market Research AYTM, almost 75% of Internet users abandon their search if they do not find the information they need in the first three results pages of the search engine used (google, yahoo etc.). 15% of those surveyed assure that they carefully examine the information on at least five web pages that they obtained in the search results and more than 60% of Internet users, if after searching they do not find what they were looking for, they choose to repeat the process with new keywords.
The survey reveals data on the use of search engines, almost 60% of users use search engines as their main search tool. The rest of the Internet users surveyed declared that they used the search engines at least once a day.
Thanks to the results of this research, it is known that despite social media, the new Google algorithms, where social indicators and the most current data are increasingly taken into consideration, require strengthening the efforts of the SEO strategies channeled to boost search engine optimization to obtain greater visibility and notoriety.
In this process, meaningful and quality content marketing strategies are positioned as a key element to achieve greater relevance in search results and increase the likelihood that content is shared and distributed through social networks such as Twitter, Facebook , Google+ etc.
The information provided by the survey shows that both SEO and Social media strategies must be worked on in unison in a coordinated manner because the actions carried out in the different strategies directly or indirectly influence each other and consequently irremediably affect the relevance given by search engines like Google.