To use SEO techniques In Off-line activities it means simply applying the rules of the SEO to real life, that is, talking about your Twitter account, your website... in conversations with other people who may be interested in following your profiles on social networks. If you draw people's attention to things that interest them, they will surely look for you on the Internet.
The information we make available on the Internet (whether texts, photographs, videos, statistics, etc.) can move quickly and reach great distances (anyone in the world with the Internet can access it). Just as a snowball falls down the mountain and gets bigger and bigger, the same thing happens to the information on the Internet, The more people see it, the more likely it is that visits will multiply quickly.. This has been observed by online advertising and marketing agencies, which is why the Global advertising investment on the internet has grown by 25% this last year.
Everything that happens outside the network also influences it, both positively and negatively, especially in the social media and in the search engines like Google. We can use this (offline presence) to increase our relevance on the Internet, the most effective thing is to find a way for advertising to bear fruit online.
It is essential to have a marketing strategy and do the SEO work corresponding to achieve a good positioning web that makes you relevant in search engines, it would be ideal appear in the first results of Google. For this we can resort to a company specialized in web positioning to help us improve the SEO, resorting to the Google Adwords campaigns(through Google ads), the optimization of our social media accounts (Social Media Optimization ) etc. With all this you can be present on the Internet and what is even more important: that people remember that you are on the Internet.
As we mentioned, word of mouth has always been a traditional method to make oneself known, currently this phase has been “developed” and we can find it on the Internet, it is the noise that people make on the Internet through Twitter, facebook, comments on blog, on youtube etc. That is why it is necessary for you to be on the Internet in various ways (have social networks, blogs, web...).