Internet consumption in Spain - According to the annual report Network Society Spanish society is increasingly linked to the Internet.
67.9% of households have a permanent Internet connection, the autonomous communities with the most connections are Catalonia, Madrid, the Basque Country and the Balearic Islands.
E-mail is essential for the population to be able to communicate, send files and carry out paperwork. Goes en increased participation in social networksAlmost 70% of Internet users have at least one user account on a social network, among the most popular are Facebook and Twitter. Connecting to social networks is the second most performed activity away from home or at work, largely due to smartphones that allow us to connect to the Internet from anywhere.
Searching for information in search engines such as Google is still the most performed activity, look for the best product prices, information we need, services ... Today many Internet users prefer to consult the options offered by different businesses / companies before purchasing a product, that is why it is so important to positioning web for so appear first in Google and be a priority option for the client.
Users also give importance to current news and new information that may interest them, a blog offers the possibility of keeping the client informed of all the news and becoming a reference.
If you are interested in having your website appear the first in Google or you want to take advantage of your blog thanks to marketing online Do not doubt consult us.